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That All May Read
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Assistive Devices
Braille and Raised Type
CNIB at Work
Alphabet letters
APH phonograph 1935
Bible on phonograph disks
Bible, Old Testament on analog cassette tapes
Bioptic telescopes
Braille slate and stylus examples
Braille teaching tool
Braille teaching tool
Child reading a DAISY book
Children’s Discovery Portal
Clarke and Smith Mfg. Co. Ltd. (UK) multi-track tape player ca. 1950
Clarke and Smith Mfg. Co. Ltd. (UK) multi-track tape player ca. 1950
Clarke and Smith Mfg. Co. Ltd. (UK) talking book machine with book on “tapete”
Clarke and Smith Mfg. Co. Ltd. (UK) talking book machine
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), ca. 1970s
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
DAISY talking book player
DAISY talking book player
DAISY: Digital Accessible Information System
Demonstrating a talking book and phonograph
Erika Picht Portable Braillewriter
Eureka A4 Braille Computer and Personal Organizer
General Electric talking book player
Hand-held magnifier
Hand-held magnifier
Humanware BrailleNote Touch
Humanware Victor Classic DAISY player
Humanware Victor Reader Stratus4 M DAISY player
Humanware VictorReader Stream
IBM 100 Braille Electric Typewriter
Kurzweil Reading Edge 1992
Kurzweil Reading Machine (circa 1978)
Large Merrick Interlining Frame (braille slate)
Mountbatten Brailler
Music instruction by tapes
Optophone – Barr and Stroud Ltd., Glasgow
Orbit Braille Reader 20 (2016)
Orbit braille reader
Perkins brailler
Perkins brailler
Perkins brailler
Perkins brailler
Plextalk DAISY talking book player
Reader listening to a talking book
Readophone, Readophone Foundation (USA)
Readophone, Readophone Foundation (USA)
Screen magnifier
Screen magnifier
Screen magnifier
Smart phone
Smart phone
SoundScriber Electronic Disc Dictator & Transcriber
Spinoza .. the bear who speaks from the heart (TM)
Spinoza .. the bear who speaks from the heart (TM)
Stylus for writing braille
Talking Book on phonograph disk
Talking books on disk
Talking books on disks
Telex talking book player a.k.a the Big Blue Machine
Telex talking book player a.k.a the Big Blue Machine
Telex talking book player ca. 1970s to early 21st century
Young woman with cases of analog cassette tapes
Braille Lite 40