Colleen and Gordie Howe watch an audio magazine being recorded at the Canadian National Institute for the Blind’s studio in Toronto. Thousands of copies of this magazine will be distributed throughout Canada.
Interleaving braille in a children's book allows the reader with vision loss to share the pleasure of reading or in other cases a child with vision loss can practice braille while the sighted companion describes the pictures.
CNIB's Vision Mate program matches volunteers and clients for companionship and assistance with everyday tasks. Reading the paper is a frequent activity.
Logo for the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA)
Logo for Centre d’accèss equitable aux bibliothèques
The Hon Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities symbolically unlocks a stack of books to celebrate Canada's ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty.
Two examples of devices for delivering accessible, navigable audio books: on CDs or on a smart phone with an app that supports DAISY navigation
The talking bear from CNIB Library showing the cassette tape player that hides in its stomach.
The talking bear from CNIB Library. The red button on its stomach activates the talking book player hidden in its stomach.
A refreshable braille reader that is portable. Developed in cooperation with ten other organisations around the world, the Orbit Reader 20 maximizes simplicity, functionality and connectivity at a greatly reduced cost compared with earlier portable braille readers.