Jim Sanders

Jim Sanders is a former CNIB President. Jim has been an avid reader throughout his life. He shares memories of his hands-on experience with the evolution of assistive reading technology over more than half a century.

Segment 1

Jim Sanders remembers his childhood training for reading with vision loss (1:11)

Segment 2

Jim Sanders recalls using reel to reel recordings, and human readers during his high school years, as well as some of the alarming challenges of reel to reel playback (1:39)

Segment 3

The day Jim Sander’s first talking book arrived remains etched in his memory. (0:51)

Segment 4

Jim Sanders vividly recalls the day the CNIB representative, Mr. Gilby, arrived with the new talking book machine that replaced vinyl records in the mid-1960s (2:44)

Segment 5

The next step in leveling the reading playing field came with portability. Jim Sanders talks about what it meant to be able to carry a battery-operated cassette player. . (1:04)

Segment 6

Commercial audio books on CD can be frustrating for blind readers. Jim Sanders explains the importance of DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System), and how digital technology has revolutionized his reading life. (1:45)