Letter – 10 September 1937

Extract from a letter from Don Orput, Readophone Corporation to E.A. Baker, CNIB

September 10, 1937

Dear Mr. Baker:

May we suggest that the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and the Readophone Corporation get together on some sort of a deal which will make the Readophone, or call it what you may, the standard machine for Canada’s blind. Here in Hollywood, we are particularly well located to obtain the best available talent for making talking books and it would be a very simple matter for us to make whatever you desire and at a price that I am sure will be satisfactory.

If this thought strikes a responsive chord, we will be very happy to make the best possible arrangement with you.  Any suggestions you may have along the above line will be gratefully received.

Yours sincerely, Don Orput, the Readophone Corporation, Los Angeles, California