Sherman Swift, CNLB to Sir Frederick Fraser, Halifax School for the Blind
January 22, 1918
Dear Sir Frederick Fraser,
I am directed by the Board of Management of the Canadian National Library for the Blind to inform you that a sum of one hundred dollars has been voted by that body in aid of those who lost their sight in the horrible disaster of December sixth last. You will find, herewith enclosed, our marked cheque in the sum named.
It is, I think, needless for me to say how deeply we sympathize with all the victims of the great disaster, but particularly with those who have lost their sight. The amount forwarded herewith is no indication of the real extent of our sympathy or of our desire to help. The smallness of the amount was required by the comparative poverty of our exchequer at the moment. If, however, you would be so kind as to give us some exact information as to the total number of those suffering complete loss of sight, the proportion of that number requiring education as blind persons, and your own clearly-defined plan for meeting the situation, we shall possibly be in a position to render aid of a larger and more practical character.
Assuring you of our entire sympathy, and with the hope that even the small amount now sent you may prove of assistance, I am, on behalf of the Canadian National Library for the Blind,
Faithfully yours, S.C. Swift, Secretary-General